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Annual Oversight Plan 2025 of INDECOPI

Annual Oversight Plan 2025 of INDECOPI

PRIORITIZED TOPICS FOR EACH INDECOPI BODY 01. Consumer Protection (DFI, ILN-CPC, ORI, and CC3) LIMA AND CALLAO Personal loan; Interprovincial land transport service; Consumer credit; Credit life insurance; App-based taxis; EAFC; International passenger air transport service; Baby-exclusive food;...

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Trademarks and Advertising in Peru: 2024 Summary

Trademarks and Advertising in Peru: 2024 Summary

Trademark Notoriety Nike The Intellectual Property Chamber of the INDECOPI Tribunal, through Resolution No. 0330-2024/TPI-INDECOPI, issued a binding precedent establishing that the recognition of a trademark's notoriety is valid for a period of five years. After this period, the trademark holder...

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WIPO Treaties

WIPO Treaties

On November 22, WIPO and the Andean countries of Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, and Bolivia adopted the Treaty on the Law of Designs, known as the Riyadh Treaty. The Andean Community countries succeeded in including the requirement for indicating the origin of traditional knowledge and traditional...

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  1. Peru Trademark Law: How is the trademark registration procedure? (4,466)
  2. Well-known Distinctive Signs: American Colors (4,196)
  3. Internet Service Provider’s Liability for online Copyright infringement: “The Pirate Bay” and “Roja Directa” cases (3,829)
  4. An introduction to Advertising Principles (3,761)
  5. Protection on Geographical Indications and Traditional Specialities Guaranteed (3,245)

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One POA, One Representation in Latin America and worldwide