01. Consumer Protection (DFI, ILN-CPC, ORI, and CC3)


  1. Personal loan;
  2. Interprovincial land transport service;
  3. Consumer credit;
  4. Credit life insurance;
  5. App-based taxis;
  6. EAFC;
  7. International passenger air transport service;
  8. Baby-exclusive food;
  9. Initial regular basic education services;
  10. SOAT


  1. Regular basic education: Initial, Primary, and Secondary: ORI Ayacucho, Huánuco, Junín
  2. Interprovincial land transport: ORI Ayacucho, Huancavelica, Huánuco, Ica, Junín, La Merced, Pasco
  3. Food provided by restaurants and similar establishments: ORI Huancavelica, Junín, La Merced, Pasco
  4. Land: ORI Ica
  5. Higher university education (universities): ORI Ica, Junín
  6. Hotel accommodation (day-to-day lodging): ORI Junín
  7. National passenger air transport: ORI Junín


  1. Interprovincial land transport: ORI Cajamarca, Chimbote, Huaraz, La Libertad, Lambayeque, Piura, Tumbes
  2. National passenger air transport: ORI Cajamarca, Huaraz
  3. Regular basic education: Initial, Primary, and Secondary: ORI Cajamarca, Chimbote, Huaraz, La Libertad, Piura, Tumbes
  4. Food provided by restaurants and similar establishments: ORI Cajamarca, Chimbote, Huaraz, La Libertad, Lambayeque
  5. Urban and interurban transport: ORI Chimbote, Piura
  6. Cafes or similar establishments: ORI Chimbote
  7. Bars, breweries, nightclubs, discos, and analogous establishments (with or without entertainment): ORI Chimbote
  8. Higher university education (universities): ORI Huaraz
  9. Regular basic education: Initial and Primary: ORI Huaraz
  10. Apartments: ORI La Libertad, Piura
  11. Land: ORI Piura
  12. Hourly accommodations: ORI Piura
  13. Skating rinks, golf courses, gyms, fitness centers, tennis courts, squash courts, bowling alleys, and shooting ranges: ORI Piura
  14. Regular basic education: Primary: ORI Lambayeque


  1. Interprovincial land transport: ORI Amazonas, Loreto, Madre de Dios, San Martín, Ucayali
  2. Regular basic education: Initial, Primary, and Secondary: ORI Amazonas, Loreto, San Martín
  3. Regular basic education: Primary and Secondary: ORI Ucayali
  4. Hotel accommodation (day-to-day lodging): ORI Amazonas
  5. Food provided by restaurants and similar establishments: ORI Loreto, Madre de Dios, San Martín, Ucayali
  6. National passenger air transport: ORI Loreto, Madre de Dios, San Martín
  7. Blenders, rice cookers, air fryers: ORI Madre de Dios
  8. Non-university higher education (institutes): ORI Madre de Dios
  9. Air conditioners, humidifiers, space heaters, and water heaters: ORI Madre de Dios
  10. River transport: ORI Madre de Dios
  11. Post-secondary non-higher education: ORI Madre de Dios
  12. Cafes or similar establishments: ORI Madre de Dios
  13. Land: ORI San Martín


  1. Interprovincial land transport: ORI Apurímac, Cusco, Moquegua, Puno, Tacna
  2. Food provided by restaurants and similar establishments: ORI Apurímac, Moquegua, Puno, VRAEM
  3. Non-university higher education (institutes): ORI Apurímac, Moquegua, VRAEM
  4. Regular basic education: Primary: ORI Arequipa
  5. Urban and interurban transport: ORI Cusco, Moquegua, Puno
  6. National passenger air transport: ORI Cusco
  7. Hotel accommodation (day-to-day lodging): ORI Cusco, VRAEM
  8. Payment for complete tourism packages (tickets, lodging, and meals): ORI Cusco
  9. Regular basic education: Initial, Primary, and Secondary: ORI Cusco, Moquegua, Puno, Tacna, VRAEM
  10. Art and music festivals: ORI Cusco
  11. Concert and music halls: ORI Cusco
  12. Land: ORI Moquegua, Tacna
  13. Apartments: ORI Moquegua
  14. Bread, toasted bread, salted crackers, among others: ORI Puno
  15. Yogurt: ORI VRAEM
  16. Soda: ORI VRAEM
  17. Cocoa (including beans) and powder, chocolate bars or tablets, food and confectionery made of cocoa and chocolate: ORI VRAEM
  18. Post-secondary non-higher education: ORI VRAEM
  19. Table water: ORI VRAEM
  20. Cafes or similar establishments: ORI VRAEM



  1. Chewing gum, candies, sweets, and others;
  2. App-based taxi services;
  3. Non-university higher education services (institutes);
  4. All types of beer;
  5. Alcohol-based mixed drinks;
  6. Packaged fruit and vegetable juices and nectars; and
  7. Television sets.


  1. Food provided by restaurants and similar establishments: ORI Huancavelica, Huánuco, Pasco
  2. General medical consultation with a private doctor: ORI Huánuco
  3. Hotel accommodation (day-to-day lodging): ORI Huánuco, Junín
  4. Non-university higher education (institutes): ORI Ica, Junín
  5. Interprovincial land transport: ORI Junín
  6. University higher education (universities): ORI Junín
  7. Hospital curative and rehabilitation services: ORI Junín


  1. Men’s clothing: ORI Cajamarca
  2. Hotel accommodation (day-to-day lodging): ORI Cajamarca
  3. General medical consultation with a private doctor: ORI Cajamarca
  4. Food provided by restaurants and similar establishments: ORI Huaraz, La Libertad, Piura, Tumbes
  5. Regular basic education: Initial, Primary, and Secondary: ORI La Libertad
  6. Interprovincial land transport: ORI Lambayeque, Piura
  7. Non-university higher education (institutes): ORI Lambayeque, Piura
  8. University higher education (universities): ORI Lambayeque
  9. Post-secondary non-higher education: ORI Piura


  1. Hotel accommodation (day-to-day lodging): ORI Amazonas, Loreto, San Martín
  2. General medical consultation with a private doctor: ORI Amazonas, San Martín
  3. Hospital curative and rehabilitation services: ORI Amazonas
  4. Land: ORI San Martín
  5. Tour guide services, recreational centers, and entertainment packages: ORI San Martín


  1. Bread, toasted bread, salted crackers, among others: ORI Arequipa
  2. Beauty products: ORI Arequipa
  3. Non-university higher education (institutes): ORI Arequipa, Puno
  4. Men’s clothing: ORI Cusco
  5. Hotel accommodation (day-to-day lodging): ORI Cusco, Puno
  6. Pre-university studies, consultation services, educational guidance, and counseling: ORI Cusco
  7. Land: ORI Puno, Tacna
  8. Hospital curative and rehabilitation services: ORI Puno


  1. Products offered in the market with the designation of origin “Pisco”.
  2. Electrical products and toys.


The terrestrial passenger transport sector, hotel services, and cable broadcasting distribution service.


  1. Free competition defense (DLC), prioritization criteria include delimiting the sectors to investigate, considering the basic family basket, among others.
  2. Elimination of bureaucratic barriers (CEB), prioritizing local governments in the Province of Lima, district municipalities, and ministries with the highest number of illegal and/or unreasonable bureaucratic barriers. Furthermore, the telecommunications sector, which showed a GDP decrease, is considered for prioritizing mandates for corrective measures. Additionally, the Regional Technical Secretariat for the Elimination of Bureaucratic Barriers (SRB) prioritizes provincial municipalities that have not eliminated barriers related to procedures in the construction, real estate, transport, and telecommunications sectors.
  3. Bankruptcy (FCO and ORI), prioritizing obligations such as quarterly information submissions, filing requests for registration of initiation acts, and delivering the debtor’s documentation and assets.
  4. Trade Defense and Elimination of Non-Tariff Trade Barriers (CDB), focusing on the oversight of potential non-tariff trade barriers in the health and fisheries sectors.
  5. Digital Signatures and Certificates (DGI), focusing on auditing any public or private entity accredited by INDECOPI for digital certification services.

For more information, contact Alejandro Castro (